Hit your customers with a convincing pitch and you’re almost certain to make a sale. Our sales letters can sell soil to the earth and water to the sea.

A sales pitch is a condensed sales presentation where a salesperson explains the nature and benefits of their business, ideally in less than one or two minutes. Sales pitches are often referred to as ‘elevator pitches’ because they should be able to be delivered within the time constraints of a single elevator ride.

We Provide:

  • A sales pitch for your product or service that’s highly persuasive in style.
  • A sales pitch that concludes with a call to action, designed to compel custom.
  • A sales pitch that does a good job selling your product, but doesn’t push.

What is a sales letter?

Traditionally, a sales letter is a pitch for your product or service, sent by direct mail. However, in the internet age, sales pitches tend to come in the form of an e-mail designed with the sole purpose of compelling the recipient to buy your product. In essence, a sales letter is much like a website’s landing page.

In order to be effective, a sales letter relies on a list of e-list subscribers, however, to compel those subscribes to buy from you, your pitch needs to be professionally written and tailored to suit your particular niche.

What makes a good sales letter?

The purpose of a sales letter is to convert a reader into a paying customer, and as such, they should take advantage of persuasive writing. The job of a sales letter is to persuade a potential customer to become an actual customer.

Imperative to that goal is grabbing the attention of your reader. The main challenge with any written sales pitch is convincing your reader to continue pas the first line. Our professional writers are able to grab the attention of your readers without being too obvious about it, taking advantage of concise, bold, opening lines.

Similarly, the sales letter needs to convince your reader of what your product or service can do for them, this is known as the value proposition. Taking advantage of social influence, written authority, and persuasive facts, we’ll be able to create a sales letter that draws your readers into purchasing your product or service.

A good sales pitch should leave the reader feeling compelled to make an impulse purchase, and excited about the product they’re purchasing. We can do just that.

But why do sales letters matter?

Sales letters are undeniably the most important aspect of e-email marketing, responsible for generating income. You could have the lengthiest e-mail subscriber list in the world, but if your pitch isn’t top quality, you’ll be ineffective.

On the other hand, our expertly crafted sales letters will have customer queuing round the block to take advantage of the product or service you’re pitching.

Get in touch today to find out what our industry experienced writers can do.